A clear message about your brand can be enhanced through a good sign design. Typical sign designs include the use of contrasting colors to accentuate key points. DON’T say too much. Ensure that your sign design is free from clutter, which can easily distract readers from the core message.
What is the Purpose of the Sign?
A sign is regarded as any kind of graphic display which aims to impart information or instruction to the masses. A sign should always be either informational or instructional but should also say something about your brand. Custom sign design should capture your brand personality and identity. Even though a sign often carries meaning behind its design and purpose, sometimes it serves only to improve an establishment’s appearance.
Brands best use a sign to help individuals to identify a brand or location. Brands like Apple, LVMH, KFC are experts at using their brand signs for recognition. These brands use high-street signs, which make their brands visible and quickly identified.
A sign is often used to give directions, increase safety awareness, promote goods and services, and provide information or identity. Today, what truly attracts new clients to a restaurant, store, or business aren’t the services and products. What often pulls customers to your business premises is the attractive sign design, which hikes their interest and instructs them to give your offerings a try. Even though they were not looking to make one: the U.S. Small Business Administration gauges that between 20 to 45% of business sales arise from impulse.
How Can You Capture a Brand’s Identity?
You can do so by using the following:
- Colors
- Lighting
- Materials
- Style
- Dimensional
- Signature Font
- Logo
Act now! Get a FREE quote or call Vision Visual Custom Sign Company to develop and implement a complete signage strategy. For even faster visual branding and logo development services, contact us today.