How to Place Your Signs for Optimal Engagement

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Sign placement and sign design are two things that go hand in hand with how you want your sign to be displayed, and ultimately what kind of reaction you want from your customers. For example, if you’re using building signs, then you need to think about how the sign will be placed. Do you want it facing inwards or outwards? Will it be on the outside wall of the building or on an interior wall? You also need to think about the color scheme — will the rest of the building have a lot of reds or purples?

Step 1: Know Your Goals

Before you even start thinking about how your signs should be placed, you need to know what your goals are. Are you trying to drive customers to a certain location? Increase traffic around an area? Get people in touch with your brand? Determine which goal is most important for you and design your sign placement strategy around that.

Step 2: Analyze Your Surroundings

Before you pick a sign type, determine what your surroundings look like. If your business is surrounded by grassy fields and trees, a pole sign might not do as well as one placed above eye level. If there are brick buildings all around your store, hanging banners might not be practical. A pole sign isn’t always out of place in an office setting – in fact, it can create quite a buzz!

Step 3: Locate Your Sign Location

Vision Visual Custom Sign Company has an experienced eye for finding just about any location imaginable. We’ll work with you to find a location that maximizes visibility and impact, while minimizing sign cost, permitting restrictions, and potential obstacles. But before we can get started, we need some details from you so they can understand your goals and deliver a sound sign solution. 

Step 4: Decide on Size

While there are many sign types, you’ll want to consider two main questions before deciding on which type of sign is best for your business. First, how large do you want your sign? This will largely depend on how much money you want to spend and how prominent of a presence you want your signage to have in its environment.

Step 5: Consider Materials

Some signs are wooden, some plastic, others metal. The material you choose should complement your other materials and reflect your brand’s aesthetic. Also, consider size – many pole signs are out-of-reach and can be hard to see – a too-small sign can make people feel like they’re missing something important. If you want your message seen, don’t skimp on size!

Step 6: Consider Font Style

Make sure your sign is legible from a distance. You’ll want a font style that contrasts with surrounding buildings and landscapes; for example, pole signs that use black letters on a white background will stand out in an open field of green grass and trees, but may not be visible from far away if there are competing buildings or design elements in front of it. Make sure people can read your signage from 50 feet or more away, so you catch their attention as they approach.

Step 7: Set Up Your Sign With Clear Visibility

Location is important. If your sign can’t be seen, it can’t do its job! Make sure you place your signs in a highly visible location. Signs placed on poles need to be positioned in such a way that the color scheme doesn’t wash out, so that it doesn’t get lost behind other advertisements. Monuments and ground signs should consider buildings and cityscapes around them when placing their signage, keeping colors that are strong enough to create contrast with the surroundings.

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